Breaking Standards, Savoring Irony

hands free

They say we are young and restless, but some days that’s not how we feel. We are lost in a sea of loans and bills, looking out at the stars with all their glimmering cheer. We dream of places far away, our thirst unquenched, our fears unlisted.

We want to go places but we know we can’t fly. We are tied to the puppeteer, but we always want to dance. Time is unknown, just something we’ve heard of.

We are easily inspired with a fleeting desire that gets lost in the city lights.

– Cristina Nogueras ©

city lights


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Scraps of Paper

Little by little I want to share randoms thoughts in old notebooks, napkins or scraps of paper. Those old thoughts you just needed to write down in the moment that did not make much sense at the time, but now shine back at you in retrospect.

So here it goes.

“There is just that much you can control, there is just that much that you can hold back. Life can’t be amazing unless you give it a chance. Your fears can tie you back in ways you can’t really understand. At the end of the day it’s what you feel that’s real, the walls you’ve built and the timelines you’ve set are all fake; mere guidelines in a quest of finding happiness. Yes, you might get hurt and yes you will be sad again; but why let that stop you? Release can liberate you in more ways than one.” – Cristina Nogueras © Jaunary 9, 2013.