Being Sick Sucks.

That’s really all I have to say. It makes you feel miserable in so many different levels that you end up pitying yourself and feeling crappy about it, over and over again.

What’s best? Being sick during what people have been calling the #PolarVortex aka freezing temperatures that bring tears to your eyes… and freezes them.

It’s like the world saw me all determined ready to tackle my new year’s resolutions and said: “Hold on buddy, you are not doing anything”. I’ve been to the doctor more times that I’ve been to the gym; I’ve been to the doctor once. Pretty skies and cool pictures to upload? I have a selfie showing me all wrapped up on my way to pick up my medicines, does that count? Try out new recipes and baking challenges? I microwaved some chicken noodle soup last week and my medicine tastes like a questionable piece of cake.

Needless to say 2014 has been awesome so far; don’t let me go all bitter on you right now. Nobody likes a hater; I’m just putting it out there to see if somebody can pick it up and take this plague away from me. Like far away, past Long Island.